About Nature Volunteers
This new website links people with projects in nature volunteering. It has two goals. The first goal is to help people interested in nature volunteering find suitable projects across the UK. The second goal is to help organisations find volunteers and tailor projects to enhance their success. Projects can be anything from a one-off morning beach clean to a weekly butterfly survey and can be based anywhere in the UK.
We launched the website in summer 2018 with some local projects and now host projects from across the UK. Our latest development, the monthly project performance report, provides registered organisations with information on the success of their projects and what type of projects volunteers are looking for.
The development of this website is being funded by a Higher Education Innovation Funding (HEIF) grant from the Higher Education Funding Council for England. The project is being led by Dr Anita Diaz from Bournemouth University as a partnership with other colleagues and external collaborators. Our web designer is Christchurch Web Solutions. We will be continuing to develop this website over the next year so if you have any feedback, would just like to know more or are interested in getting involved please contact us on naturevolunteers@bournemouth.ac.uk. We welcome hearing from everyone 🙂