Record Wildlife
Notable species in the Yorkshire area
Project Summary
If you have seen a notable species in the Yorkshire area, have a list of your sightings from one of our reserves, or want to help with some of our surveys, we’d love to hear from you.
Need to know
- Start Date: 24/06/2019
- End Date: 24/06/2020
- County: East Riding of Yorkshire, North Yorkshire, South Yorkshire and West Yorkshire
- Organisation Name: Yorkshire Wildlife Trust
- Project Category: Species surveys
Project Description
The data you collect could help us to inform our decision making, educate the community and carry out research on important species and habitats. Sightings of protected species from the Yorkshire area also help inform how our planning team respond to proposed developments.
For information on species records from outside of our reserves, please contact your local records centre. See the attached documents for the relevant records centre.
Sign Up Information
Project Link: https://www.ywt.org.uk/get-involved/record-wildlife
Project Contact Email: sightings@ywt.org.uk
All sightings, and any questions you have about recording wildlife, can be sent to our email.
Project Contact Email: sightings@ywt.org.uk
All sightings, and any questions you have about recording wildlife, can be sent to our email.
Please say you found this project on Nature Volunteers