Your shore project

Your shore project

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Project Summary

The groups run surveys, beach cleans and events, training their own Beach Rangers and young volunteers to take part in Cornwall Wildlife Trust citizen science projects such as Shoresearch, Seasearch and Seaquest.

Need to know

  • Start Date: 04/10/2024
  • End Date: 04/10/2024
  • County: Cornwall
  • Organisation Name: Cornwall Wildlife Trust
  • Project Category: Improving habitats


Project Description

The data they collect help monitor the health of Cornish waters, providing evidence of the threats to our valuable marine life and the need for better protection. All groups are distinctively different, catering their marine work to their unique marine environment and often running interactive, fun and educational public events and talks, raising awareness of and campaigning on behalf of their marine life and habitats.

Cornwall has a thriving network of dedicated and skilled local marine volunteer groups all around its coastline, who look after and shout about their wonderful marine wildlife. Set up by Cornwall Wildlife Trust, the Your Shore Network consists of 18 community-led marine conservation groups across the county. These groups work together sharing data, ideas, and resources to present a united voice advocating for better protection for our coast.